The opportunities you are looking for to distribute your wine in Italy and abroad
Who is interested in my wine?
Which strategies should I focus on to sell more in Italy and abroad?
Which trends do I need to perceive to win over new customers in Italy and abroad?
The answer to these questions is not purely commercial. Before strengthening your sales office or hiring a new export manager you need to define the right market positioning.
A result that you will obtain thanks to a well-managed combination of coordinated commercial and marketing actions that lead to an increase in the perceived value of your brand in the relevant markets.
What we do
We select the right importers for your product, taking care to diversify countries for a better risk management
We select the right national or regional distributors or the right agents’ network for your product, basing on the winery’s characteristics and on the potentialities of each single area
We help your winery to gain prestige in the eyes of stakeholders
We have a well-established network of reliable and long-experienced importers and distributors
We outline a marketing mix strategy, which is consistent with the selected markets
We provide support in managing export documents (for example, FDA operations for US market)
We attend tastings, events and wine fairs on your behalf
We have been present with a stand at major international wine fairs such as Prowein and Vinitaly for more than 10 years.
What we do not do
We do not work on single markets
We do not organize events or fairs
We do not do one shot sales
We do not empty cellars of remainders
We do not sell where “we can sell” but where “we want to sell”
Why us
For us wine is first our passion and then our work
We have an in-depth knowledge about both domestic and international market in terms of strategies, legal aspects and regulations
We rely on a dense network of long-term relationships with opinion leaders, importers and wholesalers
We hold a specific seniority in the development and consolidation of brands and product positioning
Tell us about your project
Wine is our passion. We love challenges and no language barrier will stop us.